Let’s talk acne and its complications

Acne and the management
A long one….but rewarding, I promise.

I know acne (pimples) bothers a lot of people. It is one of the most common skin disorders and can affect the self esteem. It also comes with complications of post inflammatory hyperpigmentation and scarring. This happens as the skin is trying to repair itself and with the processes that happen in acne (especially the ones we call inflammatory acne). Sometimes, the complications happen because you keep fiddling with your skin and you go to the wrong places to get procedures done from people that don’t know what they’re doing.
If you have anything on your skin…better to leave it alone than to do the wrong things. It usually doesn’t end well.

I want to talk about these complications of acne – Post inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH) and scarring. A lot of people often use the word scarring wrongly. PIH is NOT scarring. For a scar to occur, something we call fibrous tissue must have formed or some part of the skin is lost (called atrophic scar). It is important to distinguish the two because while PIH can go on it’s own with use of creams that can repair the skin like retinoids and liberal sunscreen use, scarring cannot go on it’s own WITHOUT being assisted by procedures.

Post inflammatory hyperpigmentation

For PIH, apart from the creams, you can also hasten its clearance by doing procedures like chemical peels, microdermabrasion or microneedling.
For scars, it depends on how bad it is before you know how well the treatment will turn out. Sometimes, it may not be possible to completely eliminate the scars but you can only improve the appearance. Procedures like the ones for PIH can help but the one that may likely take it out completely (that induces collagen formation to fill out the skin in atrophic scars like box scars, rolling scars, pits) is LASER. Especially the ablative type of LASER like CO2 LASER. There are also newer ones that can help. The earlier procedures I mentioned too will reduce the appearance as much as possible.

For keloid and hypertrophic scars, you will need some injections into the scars at intervals. Some also combine with LASER. If you are a keloid former, know that it can/may recur even spontaneously. Don’t go and attack your doctor or aesthetician when it does.

Be realistic in your expectations. Don’t go to your doctor with badly scarred skin and tell them you want to look like Agbani Darego afterwards🤷‍♀️.
If you’ve had bad scarring from acne or chicken pox, it may be more realistic for improvement and not total removal of scars. I have rejected private patients with grandiose expectations before. They give so much trouble because they have an expectation you cannot meet and they’re usually the ones that can’t even pay for aesthetics sometimes.

Acne is one disorder that is both rewarding and sometimes frustrating to treat. It is a combination of different factors so it is manageable rather than treatable. That you have treated it once, doesn’t mean it cannot recur. You may still have occasional breakouts. If you see someone promising you that when you use their cream, it is byebye to acne forever, take it with a pinch of salt.

Atrophic and keloid scars

Skincare regimen for acne prone skin

Have a good skin care regimen. A mild facial cleanser preferably a cream cleanser to wash your face with salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide (not more than 5%) to wash your face. Don’t leave it on the face for a long time like nixoderm or shirley (those funny things we used then) and be walking around with it o. It will end in tears Just wash it off immediately. Most of them don’t lather, so don’t be expecting any foaming. If you don’t have acne, you can do a mild facial cleanser for normal skin like Cerave, LaRoche Posay or Eucerin.

Then a hydrating or exfoliating toner (like glycolic acid) afterwards if you like. The exfoliating one can be thrice weekly so you don’t dry out your skin.

You then moisturize liberally with a cream that has hyaluronic acid (or other moisturizer that you like e.g with mucin complex, ceramides) and SPF of at least 30. Most people don’t do that and you dry out your skin that way which the body recognizes as a signal to produce more sebum (oil).

You can then apply a retinol cream at night. A treatment retinol cream such as Tretinoin 0.05% cream (popular brand is Retin A) which you can get by prescription. Or an over the counter retinol cream (a retinol cream can also be used by those that don’t have acne at night or a vitamin C cream). Retinoid derivatives should be started gently and you ease it into your routine as it can be irritating to the skin especially when it is foist started. You can start with three times a week at night and increase gradually.

Once your skin is calm, you can stop the salicylic and benzoyl peroxide wash so that you don’t dry out your skin. A gentle face wash like Cerave or Olay will do.

If you have acne prone skin, always have your products available just in case you start breaking out again.

Do not be deceived by some funny adverts that show a stunning and flawless face touting one cream or soap as the answer to all your prayers. Most of the people they use in such adverts don’t even use the cream and soap🤷‍♀️.

Genetics is very important in skin and hair. Some people use Insha Allah and lux soap only. And they look like a glazed doughnut. Some are products junkie, yet they still don’t have a good skin. Just have a good skin care regimen.

Same with hair. Healthy hair is what is important. I have people that use just shampoo and conditioner and their hair looks like it’s on steroids. While some do all the deep conditioning and apply food on their hair like they’re feeding their ‘eleda’, yet the hair is still not up to shoulder length.

No matter how much products I use, I can NEVER be Rapunzel. I know that and there’s peace. So if you know that you have little or no hair in your family genes, better marry someone with an abundance of it in their genes and pray your children take after him or her. Genetics is important and it is then modified by environmental factors of how well you take care of your skin and hair.

Acne scars again…improved after treatment but not completely gone

Further care of acne prone skin…

STOP PICKING YOUR FACE!! Take those hands off your face please. Before you go for facials or any of those procedures….be SURE the person knows what they’re doing.

Complications can occur with any procedure, but if it is someone that knows what they’re doing, be calm. Don’t panic to the point that you start applying all types of nonsense on your skin. Just let the person walk you through how the complications will be fixed. Which you still need to pay for, by the way. Because it is likely a complication they must have discussed with you before. Except it is due to proven negligence.

I have acne prone skin and this is adult acne (acne after age 25 and above) that can be so recalcitrant to treatment. Unfortunately, I also have skin that pigments easily. I have managed my acne well to the point where I’m okay with it. I did a microneedling some months back (not by myself) and developed horrible PIH. I didn’t panic. I gradually repaired it by myself with some creams and a series of peels. I’m much better now and I like where I am with my skin.

This brings me to the next point. Quality of life (QoL) is a combination of all the factors (emotional, psychological, physical, financial, spiritual) that an individual considers necessary for him to live a good life. So for example, someone may have three pimples and is so bothered by it that her QoL is affected. Another may have dozens and it doesn’t affect her one bit. It also stems from environmental factors and the people that surround them.

I had a patient once that the acne affected her self esteem so much and some guys that she dated told her she can see they’re just helping her with how bad she looked (Thunder faya those guys…just small one sha). She was a wreck. By the time we were done with her in LUTH then, she burst into tears after her final procedure and she saw how improved her face was. She told Dr. Otrofanowei, “Thank you for giving me my life back”.🥰🥰

We’ve had other patients that came with another thing on the skin with their face full of acne, yet they were not bothered and they said nothing about the acne. So it wasn’t exactly affecting their QoL.

I am that doctor that listens to what exactly my patients want. I am not out to do heroic things that they are not asking me for.

I also think the kind of environment you are raised in and the type of people you associate with determine your self esteem. I have hirsutism (hair growth in androgen dependent areas like a man e.g chin, chest and back). But it doesn’t bother me one bit. When it gets to more than 12 strands, I just carry my husband’s shaving powder and take it off every month. I know LASER will give me longer time in between hair growths but I don’t have money for the LASER sessions and the hair doesn’t bother me. My partner thinks I’m the finest woman 😁 and even me…I tell myself pe “mo fine pa”. So it doesn’t affect my QoL.

I hope you know it is LASER hair reduction and not complete removal? Because the hair grows back after some time(just a longer time). There’s something called the stem cells that usually regenerates hair so if it is not destroyed, hair would still grow. And it doesn’t get destroyed easily. The hair growth might stop completely after several sessions of LASER.

I think that confidence is the most important beauty secret. It runs in my family. My younger sister when she was about 10 years would tell you she’s more beautiful than Omotola, Genevieve and Stella Damasus all combined together😂. She said the only reason that they appear finer than her is because they use make up. Abe ma ri nkan?

Don’t let ANYONE trample on your self esteem. You are more than enough even with the acne.

I have made this in depth post and even threw in the managment for acne (you know how much I don’t do SM consultation) as a gift

I don’t know why I find Instagram so stressful. My patients keep telling me they think Instagram is the best platform for me. Maybe because I love to write and Instagram is more about pictures and videos. Finally, the Instagram – @skinandall, Facebook -@skinandall_ , Twitter -@skinandall and Youtube -skinandall are all up and running now. Follow be on all social media platforms…See you there!

Here’s a link to my YouTube video where I had an extensive talk on basic skin care for black skin and acne prone skin.

Do subscribe! See you there. Thank you!

All pictures accessed via Google images.

1,007 thoughts on “Let’s talk acne and its complications”

    1. Thank you so much for reading! Glad you enjoyed it Elizabeth. And I’m glad you’re doing all the right things.

      1. This is so nice shakirat!
        It’s an amazing write-up.
        I don’t think I have seen any write up on acne so broken down and thoroughly explained like this.well done! ….and so relatable!

        I agree….u will be amazing on IG!

  1. This is very insightful. Thank you.! I’ve had trouble with acne for so long till I found the regimen that worked. The salicylic cleanser I started using made all the difference

    1. Acne can be very frustrating to treat to be honest. Pele
      Thank you for reading. Glad you enjoyed it

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words. God bless you immensely. And thank you for stopping by. Do come again.

  2. Thank you for this post Dr Gold. My skin isn’t acne prone but I pigment easily such that even the very occasional one that comes with periods leaves a scar. I’ll be trying these tips out!

    1. Then you should do the cerave face cleanser for normal skin. Or Olay. Sunscreen is a must. Then you should also do a retinol cream at night.
      Then try not to pick your skin or fiddle with it. Thank you for stopping by.

    1. You’re welcome! I’m glad you enjoyed reading it. Thanks for sharing it with your friends. Do stop by again.

  3. Thank you very much for this gem Dr Gold. This gave me reassurance that I am on the right track. I have found that stress is a major trigger for my acne. Going to add sunscreen and the cleanser to my routine now. P.S. this is better Sallah Meat from you to us o. 😀

  4. MaryJane Augustine-Obah

    great information and detailed explanation Dr Shakirat. I have acne prone skin too and this information right here helps.

    thank you

    1. Thank you for stopping by. And I’m really glad you enjoyed reading it and found it useful. Do stop by again

  5. I am really happy to have come across this post
    It’s so amazing encouraging and soullifting

    I have been dealing with pimples pigmentation and dark spots issues for years and I still don’t know what to do or use

    1. Thank you for reading. You will probably need a physical consultation with a dermatologist. You may benefit from procedures as mentioned above. Then you should also do a sunscreen, retinol cream at night like I’ve said. Take care!

  6. Very informative and interesting post.. I enjoyed reading this. You are such a talented writer. Welldone and thank you once again

  7. Kwairanga Mohammed

    Maashaa Allah, a very educative post, God bless…
    May we have more Doctors Like u, who can detail all that is there to know easily just like u did.

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words. It is because I enjoy writing. It is not an easy feat to combine this with work.

  8. Azeezat Motunrayo

    Thank you for the write up ma, May Almighty Allah increase you in knowledge. I have a acne prone skin ( face,chest, back, butt just name) and I have been jumping from soap to soap as they either made me lighter, cause more breakout or I just react to it. But I guess I will have to take a chill pill now.

    1. Just give your skin a break and let it breathe. Acne is a chronic condition and recurrences are common. You can also follow the prescription on the acne post I wrote
      Thank you for reading

  9. A detailed explanation
    Great work

    About salicylic acid
    Few weeks a ago I bought a gel clenser “clean &clear acne triple clear” clenser (salicylic acid 2%)
    Two weeks into using it
    I started noticing some inflamed acne (painful) at some parts of my body where I rarely breakout and white head on my nose and jaw

    I just don’t understand the message my skin is trying to communicate
    (I thought that salicylic acid doesn’t react, or, am I using it wrongly?)

    1. Some people react to salicylic acid. And as for the ‘triple clear’, I hope it doesn’t contain some triple action creams components. If you are reacting, it is better to stop it…

  10. I have very terrible black heads and visible pores.. I tried salicylic acid and it broke me out badly.. I dont know what else to use.. I’m currently using cerave foaming cleanser, cerave pm moisturizer and black girl sunscreen but there’s no blackhead treatment in my routine. What can I add?

    1. Be patient. You should add a retinol cream at night. You may also consider procedures like chemical peels or microneedling. Do take care

    1. No..Acne prone skin refers most times to oily skin prone to acne. A sensitive skin refers to some genetic factors that make the individual more sensitive to a wide variety of environmental factors.

  11. Wow!!
    Thanks so much doctor, I’m go glad I visited your Twitter page to read your stories and I came across this wonderful piece!… Thank you Doctor, you just made everything seem easy
    Been battling with whiteheads and black spots as a result of pimples(I have pimples once in a while) which is on my face, chest and back. I’m so happy to know about this routine especially the retinol. Will my black spots fade if I follow this routine but skip the glycolid acid ?

    1. Black heads improve with both alpha hydroxy acids like glycolic acid and beta hydroxy acid like salicylic acid. But you need to be patient and give it time.

  12. Thank you for your post. I have blackheads and small pimples below my cheek and around my jawline aswell. I have seen a dermatologist and still seeing one and he prescribed flagyl and Oxy10 cream after our second appointment but no improvement. My dermatologist also added Cetaphil facial cleanser as a face cleanser. I only notice more breakouts. Please what can I add.

    1. Hello ma’am. I don’t do consultation here. You can book a virtual appointment with me on the Doctoora ehealth platform. 10% benzoyl peroxide might be too irritating for you. You might want to tone down to 5%

  13. Jolaoso Temitayo

    Thanks for this lecture, came across it just now, I must confess it’s the Best writeup have read so far on acne

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