Does your friend consider you a friend?

If you ask me about my blessings in life, one of the things I’ll mention is my abundance of social capital. I am blessed with the best friends. Unlike many out there that say they only have a few real friends, I have a lot of friends and I can confidently say my relationship with each of them is remarkable. I used to make fun of my mum that she had too many friends not realizing I was becoming a chip off the old block. One thing I’ll never understand though, is that people use the word friendship for relationships that are detrimental to their mental health. The relationship called friendship should be a mutually beneficial one. That mutual benefit does NOT have to be financial.

My darling friend Lamide!

Do you make each other happy? Do they motivate you? Do they improve you in areas of your life that you’re trying to get better at?
Why do you call them friends when they are just acquaintances? I have made lifelong relationships from the digital world and I am grateful for these people who I consider part of my social capital now. But before we got to that level, I can say we passed each other’s litmus tests first.

There are some people that the mutual benefit for them is gossiping, spreading fake rumors, dragging and all that. No problem. Just don’t come crying foul when you extend the dragging to each other.

As much as my friends are, I keep my relationship with each person seperate. I give value in my relationships and my friends give back in return.

Before you call that person you met on the digital world your friend, have they passed the litmus test?

Does your ‘friend’ consider you a friend? Or are you dining with an enemy disguised as a friend?

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